Thursday, February 3, 2011

Someday, we'll explode. We'll be tiny particles soaring through the air, away from the problems and it'll be fine...

Day No. 2 of Getting Up Early, Week No. 1 of Training Program, Re-do.

There was nothing particularly extraordinary about this run. My legs felt pretty good; gym was nice and empty; I felt fairly hydrated, not too sleepy. Really, I write to you tonight solely in an effort to plug the band that I jammed to for all 3 miles of early morning run...

Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt! [exclamation mark included in band name]

I was first introduced to this quirky, non-conventional group by my good buddy Bob Boilen. I admire Bob for many reasons, but mostly for his illustrious NPR career and impeccable music tastes. So, when Bob says, "check this band out - they're kind of awesome," I usually say, "of course, Bob - whatever you say."

One look at the title of the group's first album says it all, I think.

"I Love You. I Love You. I Love You and I'm In Love With You. Have an Awesome Day! Have the Best Day of Your Life!"

If these guys can't get me pumped up for 5:00 a.m. treadmill fun, nothing can.

Noteworthy tracks include:
Go Directly to Space!
Ride Friendship

Yes, they do more shouting than singing. No, it's not very melodious. Yes, they mix the lyrics to Aladdin's "A Whole New World" into the background of a song called "Snowday!." They also paint themselves blue for live shows and throw out costumes to audience members.

Enough. Check them out if you're looking for something completely new and very, very random. And if you don't enjoy it, blame Bob.

Final thought on today's effort: Post-run, I think I hit a new record for first lunch craving of the day. 9:17. Beat that.

1 comment:

  1. I vote this becomes a music blog! (exclamation point added)
